District Vocational Scholarship
2025- 2026 District 5870
District Career and Technical Education Scholarships (CTES)
District 5870 will be sponsoring seven (7) District CTE Scholarships for the 2025-26 Rotary Year that starts on July 1, 2024.
Scholarships will support CTE students who live in one of the 23 counties that comprise District 5870 and are planning to study credit or non-credit programs at a community college or technical school located in one of these 23 counties; or in an adjacent county if that school is closer or a more economical option than a school located in a District 5870 county.
For the purpose of these scholarships, career and education and training is defined as education that prepares students for jobs, careers at various levels from a trade to a craft, or a position in engineering, accounting, nursing, medicine and other healing arts, architecture, pharmacy, and law that do not require a 4-year college degree to perform.
Please note that these scholarships are not intended for students wanting to attend a community college or technical school with the intent of later transferring any credits earned to a 4-year, upper-level college.
Each District CTE Scholarship will be $5,000, funded with District Designated Funds (DDF) received from TRF. These grants can support up to two years of study, thereby enabling you to fund a student’s training through certification.
Sponsoring clubs will be expected to contribute at least another $250 towards the student’s expenses and can, if they desire, increase this amount to cover project costs.
The links section of this page contains four important documents:
- A sample CTES Application for download and review by Clubs and applicants. NOTE: Hardcopy applications will not be accepted. After clubs select their candidates, they must request a link to the online application from the District 5870 CTES Chair.
- The link for the online RY 2024-25 CTES Club Endorsement for clubs sponsoring a CTES candidate. This form will not be open to receive responses until after 1 January 2025.
- The link for the RY 2024-25 CTES acceptance for candidates selected for a scholarship. This form will not be open to receive responses until after the April 27, 2025 District CTES interviews.
- The CTES Report Form
The download section of this page also has two very important documents:
- The 2024-25 CTES Handbook. START HERE
- The 2024-25 CTES slide show.
Please note that we expect you to read the handbook before you begin the process of finding a scholar. It contains important information that you will need as you navigate through the process of finding and proposing a scholarship candidate and (if your candidate is successful) getting the scholarship funded by District 5870.
Clubs must conduct their internal candidate selection process and request access to the online application no later than April 1, 2025.
Upon receiving the application link from the District 5870 Chair, clubs have until April 12, 2025 to assist their candidates in submitting applications and supporting documents.
The District will hold scholarship interviews via Zoom on April 27, 2025. Club sponsors are responsible for coordinating interview times with District 5870 CTES Chair Dr. Tina Ady. You may reach Tina at 5870CTES@gmail.com.