Arbor Day

FEBRUARY 10, 2018
RI President Ian Riseley has challenged each Rotarian in each district WORLDWIDE to plant one tree for each member during this Rotary year. It can be planted in your yard, a park, in a business area, wherever your personal desire to plant your tree. It can be a 12" tall sapling or a towering 20' oak. Your choice.
To garner the most publicity possible for our Rotarians' actions, we have designated Saturday, February 10, 2018, as Rotary District 5870 Arbor Day, similar to the district-wide Pints for Polio event last month. So that we can garner the most possible publicity, we are encouraging all clubs in the district to concentrate their planting efforts on or around this specific date. We want to highlight to our communities that Rotarians in District 5870 planted 2500+ dresses locally on a single, united day, to Make a Difference.
More details will be forthcoming. Regional Urban Foresters from the Texas A&M Forest Service will be working closely with us, via regular communiques (to come) and other helpful hints regarding which types of trees to plant where, etc. They will also guide us through proper planting procedures for our respective regions, to assure strong growth.
For ideas and tree-planting advice, see the resources below from the Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group. You can share your stories online using #pledgetoplant or in Rotary Showcase in the environment category.
- Getting Started
- Tree Challenge
- Tree Planting Brochure
- Are you ready to report trees planted? Use Trees Planted Counters