Governor's Citation: A beloved saying goes that it takes a village to raise a child. Well, let me let you in on a little secret. It takes a whole lot more than that to raise a district governor!
 Those of us privileged to serve in this leadership role here in District 5870 walk down an arduous path before we even take the reins as Governor. Usually, several years as an Assistant Governor, other district roles. Then a year as District Governor Nominee. The District Governor Elect title creeps in. Then a full year of continual surprises as the DG itself. This progression is no walk in the park, as I am sure all my predecessors will attest. It's three grueling years of planning... organizing... setting goals... recruiting teams... and continual surprises (fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and the like). Yes, it's rewarding and fun, but it is also challenging. 
Some District Governor job descriptions and requirements are written down in the Rotary Internal Manual of Procedure - the MOP. Unfortunately, many, many more are not. I - and all the PDGs before me - have had three sources of guidance and leadership to lean on - (1) the aforementioned MOP, (2) the RI website and (3) trusted advisors.
This third resource is invaluable. No governor in Rotary can easily fulfill his/her duties without a team of knowledgeable and supportive team leaders.  I am blessed richly in this regard. All are valuable in their individual ways. At different times. But some really stand out day after day. As governor, I have especially valued one particular individual's expertise - and willingness to share - and his continual goading to keep me on track. And I can't say too much about the value of his friendship and support to me.
To recognize and honor this very special Rotarian, I am inaugurating a new Governor's Trophy this year to honor a very special Rotarian. I purposely made Amy Bawcom, chair of this event, keep this presentation off the agenda to preserve some element of surprise. I hope my successors will choose to continue this in years to come.
I had a most difficult choice to make this year, but one valued team member continually rose above the fray during my deliberations. And it is he I have chosen to recognize tonight - PDG Rich Kaye!
As Rich is making his way up here, let me just refresh your memories of some of his service and accomplishments to Rotary District 5870 over the years.
          * In his one club - Killeen Heights - he, of course, served as president many moons ago, and has been on its board for over16 years of strong dedication
          * He was a strong Assistant Governor for several terms
          * DGN, then DGE
          * District Governor in 2013-14. During his effective tenure, District 5870 achieved the highest annual giving ever to The Rotary Foundation.
          * For me, thank goodness, he's built and spearheaded a super-strong foundation team as he has served for three years as the District Foundation Chair. Sadly, protocol dictates that he rotate off after my year.
          * BUT, to continue his momentum, he has been tapped, starting July 1, to be a regional Zone Foundation coordinator to help many other districts TRY to attain   our pinnacle of success within the Rotary world (don't try TOO hard, Rich... we love our records!)
* And perhaps, even more valuable to him than this award, is the Patsy Derr Award bestowed on him in November by his own club for making differences in both his club and community. Congratulations again on that, Rich.
One principle of leadership I've tried to follow is surrounding yourself with people and other leaders who are smarter than you are. Selecting a single winner was especially difficult because many of my team members deserve this honor. I am proud of all of them, and I thank all of them for jobs well done.
But, Rich, tonight we honor you. May I present to you the 2017-18 Governor's Trophy here in District 5870. You richly deserve this award. Thank you for all you do.